Friday 28 November 2014

It's about time...

So, we have a new identity, you might say grown-up - to express the right mix of seriousness (vision, strategy and architecture) as well as fluidity (agile, lean-startup, anti-bankruptcy) so as to produce something that can work. From abacus to the mysterious concept of cloud, from a new approach to the way you exercise iyour #IT muscle, coming up with a solutions to a problem, technical or not, or just some good honest answers without the #BS or $¥£€ this industry is so fond of spouting.

Whether that be at start-up or multi-billion level, we don't see any real difference. The usual consultancy suspects will tell you there is - so we're here with a fresh approach, controversial maybe (hopefully!), with our thoughts on how you can tackle the age old problems of #hashtag #IT and the people who make that happen (or not).

Our belief is that the aforementioned #IT isn't really a part of a modern fluid business, rather the complexity of it, combined with high salaries, day rates and extortionate consultancy rates has made it more important than it really it. Our surmise is that it is utility...

Do you get worried about the toilet paper in your corporate bathroom?

Quite frankly, who gives a shit!

We have better things to do, very few of us have to worry about hairdressing, but those that do are often artists.

Our fanatical belief is that #IT is going that way, so why pay for an overpaid nerd with headphones that cost more than your house, when instead you can get some creativity into your business and fresh thinking, getting well away from that utility toilet duty, after all, do you care?

We're here to bring together aspects of business, the best bits of IT (less than 20% at best) and look to how this glues together for businesses of the future; whether they are institutions keen to go with the new flow, or start-ups with g-string funding package - the strategy is not that different.

The @enterpriseperspective can benefit all those who want to suceed and have fun while doing it...

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