Monday 1 December 2014

Architecture Eventage

London has a burgeoning #tech events scene for the #geekdom, where that be the cult of {, who meet to discuss the benefits of placing the aforementioned { at the start or end of a line; through to those who discuss the many ways of doing thing over the why - but, sadly (or maybe rightly?) we have seen few events for architects, the British Computer Society's specialist group for #entarch being the exception, which isn't to our mind attaching #architecture in a modern way.

So tonight, inspired and fuelled by some fizzy stuff at a networking event, we started to see an angle to achieve a new #meetup for architecture, with a pragmatic and realistic footing. The conversation is just beginning and may amount to nothing, but if it works out we could see a sponsored network, with drinks of course, drinking one or two events every few months, to play ping pong ideas on the direction of the profession, whether it is really a profession and on the religious wars practiced between framework zealots, taxonomy bigots and those who are trying to justify the value of their #architecture roles in a modern space when a quality developer can (arguably) do architecture better than an architect.

Given the #acrhitecture space is about influence, communication and networking; our hope is we can push to do more of this, with some great speaker, ideas and hopefully hot debate - rest assured @enterpriseperspective will be there throw a brick in the windows that is the conventional approach to #architecture!

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